Observatory Hill Environmental Education Centre

Leading environmental education to empower learners for a sustainable future.

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Integrating the Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priority

Course code

RG00451 (4 hours of registered profesisonal learning - 1 hour pre-course reading and 3 hours face to face) 

Course details

The course builds capacity for teachers to integrate the Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priority into their curriculum planning and teaching practice. The course can be delivered for an entire school as part of a School Development Day, or as an after school professional learning program. The course is available from all Environmental and Zoo Education Centres (EZEC) and can be delivered in your school or at the EZEC.

Standards addressed

1.2.3, 3.2.3, 6.2.4, 7.2.4

Participants will

  • learn how to integrate the 'Sustainability' Priority into quality teaching and learning practice,
  • view resources that demonstrate best practice in sustainability integration
  • learn about the Sustainability Action Process (SAP), a pedagogy to effectively embed Sustainability into teaching and learning
  • participate in a SAP workshop
  • view web based resources that support sustainability integration
  • participate in hands on activities in the field or school playground that demonstrate sustainability in action

Board of Studies Syllabi addressed by this course

  • The Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priority

Research or Methodology that underpins the course:

  • the Quality Teaching Model, particularly the dimensions of Intellectual Quality and Significance to authentic learning
  • the NSW DEC Environmental Education Policy For Schools
  • the Sustainability Action Process (SAP) developed by the Environmental Education Curriculum Support Unit.

Pre-course professional reading (approx 1 hour)

1. Implementing the Environmental Education Policy in your school – Please read the relevant Stage Statements for your class (K-10 pg 30 – 33).

2. Sustainability in Schools Webquest – Visit the Sustainability In Schools website resource portal and choose a year, subject area, key content and topic relevant to your class. View the resource and come to the course prepared to discuss the resource you have viewed.

3. Ecological Footprint Calculator – Calculate your ecological footprint to determine how sustainable your lifestyle is.

4. Position yourself on the School Sustainability Continuum

Course Resources

Follow-up Sustainability Education and Management support:

Integrating Sustainability in History and Geography K-10


Energy Australia energy monitoring program Webgraphs


Sydney Water Education website Sydney Water 


DOE Sustainability Curriculum Support 
Sustainable Schools  To help you stay in touch with sustainable schools, sign up to the Sustainable Schools NSW newsletter. Its available twice a term and has lots of great information. 

Digital technologies for outdoor learning

Digital Technologies for K-6 Science (Thanks to Jill Bell – Royal National Park EEC).