S.T.E.A.M. for Sustainability is a half day (2 hr) incursion, using sustainability themes, designed to enrich and strengthen S.T.E.A.M. outcomes through participation in an authentic in-school task.
Students will learn about various aspects of their school’s energy or water or waste (choose one) and conduct a school resurce audit in order to extend their understanding of the measurement outcome of the mathematics syllabus, and the 'Sustainability' Cross Curriculum Priority.
Students will also learn how much energy or water is used, and waste produced, within the school, and develop a plan to minimise school resource use through inquiry, exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying problem-solving skills and mathematical techniques, and communicating solutions through persuasive texts and artwork.
Key inquiry question
- How are resources used in our school, and how can we effectively manage school resource use to help improve the environment?
Key syllabus outcomes
- Working Mathematically including; Communicating - describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions MA3-1WM ;
- Problem Solving - selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems MA2-2WM;
- Reasoning - uses deductive reasoning in presenting arguments and formal proofs MA5.3-3WM;
- Working Scientifically Skills, including questioning and predicting, planning and conducting investigations, processing and analysing data, and communicating.
- English - Responding & Composing, and Expressing Themselves.
Skills outcomes
During the program, students will work scientifically by:
Questioning and predicting
- make and justify predictions about scientific investigations (ACSIS231, ACSIS232)
Planning and conducting investigations
- identify questions to investigate scientific ideas
- plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer problems
- identify potential risks in planning investigations
- manage resources safely (ACSIS086, ACSIS103)
- reflect on and make suggestions to improve fairness, accuracy and efficacy of a scientific investigation (ACSIS091, ACSIS108)
- manage investigations effectively, individually and in groups
Processing and analysing
- compare data with predictions
- present data as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS218, ACSIS221)
On the day activities
During the incursion, students will:
- Learn about the importance of sustainability and the wise use of school resources;
- Undertake a resource audit (water, waste or energy), to calculate the level of resource use efficiency compared to similar schools and present this information graphically;
- Develop an action plan to improve school sustainability and communicate this strategy to the school.
Pre visit and follow up resources
Pre visit activities
Activities prior to the delivery of the program will help prepare students for the day as well as link the program to the class program.
These could include:
- Lessons from Primary Connections unit Essential Energy: https://primaryconnections.org.au/resources-and-pedagogies/curriculum-units/essential-energy
- Lessons from Primary Connections unit Circuits and Switches: https://primaryconnections.org.au/resources-and-pedagogies/curriculum-units/circuits-and-switches
- View games and activities on Cool Australia Website: https://www.coolaustralia.org/curriculum-materials/?types_k=&types_v=&year_level_k=year_level-year-5-6&year_level_v=693&ca_topic_k=&ca_topic_v=&subject_k=&subject_v=&
Follow up activities
- Thermal comfort program: https://app.education.nsw.gov.au/rap/resource/access/933f4fd3-9169-4f11-af00-2b0891a307e7/1
Pre and follow up activities PDF103K
- DoE - $10 per student (GST free).
- Non Government School $15 per student (GST free). Minimum cost of $600.
Incursion program downloads
Download these documents to help with your incursion planning: