Global Sustainability - Tourism supports the Stage 6 Geography of the same name. It focuses on a local-scale case study of Taronga Zoo as part of the broader sustainable-tourism movement. The program is a partnership between Observatory Hill EEC and Taronga Zoo Sydney Education Centre
Program dates
2024 Available Excursion Dates:
- Thursday, 28 November (fully booked)
- Thursday 5th December (fully booked)
2025 Available Excursion Dates:
- Thursday 2oth March
- Thursday 8th May
- Thursday 22nd May
- Thursday 19th June
- Thursday 4th September
- Thursday 27th November
- Wednesday 3rd December
- Thursday 11th December
Program location
Taronga Zoo Sydney Mosman
View the Google map. Please note that if arriving by ferry, buses meet ferries for transfer to the Zoo entrance. The program meeting point is the Taronga Institute for Science and Learning.
Key inquiry question
Possible fieldwork question TBC
'Describe and evaluate Taronga Zoo Sydney's sustainability initiatives, as an example of sustainable eco-tourism'.
Key syllabus outcomes
Students will:
GE-12-01 analyses rural and urban places, ecosystems, global biodiversity and economic activity, for their characteristics, spatial patterns, interactions, and nature and extent of change over time
GE-12-02 analyses geographical processes and influences, at a range of scales, that form and transform places and environments
GE-12-03 assesses geographical opportunities and challenges and the role of varying perspectives and responses in their management
GE-12-05 synthesises and evaluates relevant geographical information from a variety of sources
GE-12-07 selects and applies geographical inquiry skills and tools, including spatial technologies, fieldwork, and ethical practices, to investigate places and environments
Geographic Inquiry Skills
Acquire quantitative and/or qualitative data and information using ethical practices by:
Acquiring geographical information
collecting and recording primary geographical data using a range of tools
Processing geographical information
Represent data and information in appropriate forms, and where appropriate, by:
using digital and spatial technologies
conforming to cartographic convention
Interpret, synthesise and analyse data and information using quantitative and qualitative methods to:
make reasoned generalisations and inferences
propose explanations for patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies using geographical models and theories where relevant
draw conclusions and predict future trends
Student pre-visit and follow-up activities
Successful fieldwork visits have direct links to current classroom learning. Pre-visit activities before the excursion will help students better understand their excursion content and provide connectedness and relevance to classroom learning.
Have students visit the Student Support Webite, provided on booking, and complete any pre fieldwork activities to familiarise them with the study area.
On the day activities
During the full-day fieldwork excursion, students:
Learn about Taronga Zoo Sydney’s initiatives, roles and responsibilities, and outcomes as a global leader in the movement towards more sustainable tourism through presentations from the Education Team at Taronga Zoo and the Zoo’s marketing department.
Digitally collect primary data throughout the Zoo in a collaborative project highlighting the projects and outcomes Taronga Zoo Sydney engages in/with relating to sustainable tourism.
Government Schools: $25 per student (GST free).
Non-Government Schools: $35 per student (GST free).